
V2 Racing Systems and Games

The V2 Racing System was designed as and interactive pulltab game that gives the crowd a fun and exciting experience in purchasing single game pulltab tickets from 308 count games to 945 count games. The payouts can range from $150, $200, $300 and $500 payouts per game. There currently are 8 different game options in a variety of payouts listed below.

Our company is the only one providing 24/7 phone support and onsite racing assistance as the schedule allows for your first event.

We offer FREE onsite demos to help you decide on how many TV’s to start with, positioning, and program development. We see sites running 2 to 10 or more TV’s for the best customer experience.


112 5th Avenue SE
Waseca, MN 56093


(507) 835-5624

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